الأحد، 22 يناير 2017

Introduction to Instructional design

  The definition of Instructional design:     
   In the education field, especially when talking about creating curriculum or designing lesson plan, it is necessary to mention the term instructional design. So, what it is mean?
There are, as any term in pedagogy, several definitions of instructional design. After reading, understanding those definitions we can notice that it centered around specific words such as systematic, process, methods, learning, and students. For example,  I choose two definitions of ID by two educators to take the deep meaning of this term.
First definition, by Molenda:
Instructional design is the art and science of designing, producing, and using  with economy and elegance  solutions to instructional problems (Molenda).
The second, by Reigeluth:
The process of deciding which methods of instruction are best for bringing about desired changes in student knowledge and skills for a specific student population.(Reigeluth).
I define  ID as, the strategies of instruction that utilize to make the change in the behaviors, attitudes, and skills of the learner in a reliable fashion  and in appropriate style and ways.
Notice: instructional design, curriculum design, instructional technology, and instructional design system are often used interchangeably.
The importance of ID:
            The importance of  ID includes teachers, learners, and parents. For teachers, ID helps them to create more attractive environment to allow their students learn with high quality of  teaching methods and change the role of students to become students centered approach. It's also a significant factor in which lessons becoming more effective and meaningful.

The kinds of ID models:
There are numerous of the instructional design model. The most famous is ADDIE model, which consisting of five steps, analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. 

There are also ASSURE model  which consists of six stages refer to each letter of the acronym .

Dick and Carey model:
 It's also known as a system approach model. It consists of ten steps in linear form, in contrast with ADDIE model. One feature of this model that the ten steps are connected and affected by others directly and indirectly.

Seven  premises about ID:
1- Attention to details.
2- identifying the instructional problem.
3- The plan is for instructional designer and planning team.
4- focusing on the level of satisfactory achievement.
5- Accuracy of information.
6-Focusing on the individual not the content.
7-no single best way to design instruction.

Culatta, R. (2013). ADDIE model. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from http://www.instructionaldesign.org/models/addie.html
Forest, E. (2015, November 23). ASSURE: Instructional design model. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Frameworks & Theories, http://educationaltechnology.net/assure-instructional-design-model/

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