الأربعاء، 25 يناير 2017

Week 2 reflections

       This post will explain instructional design strategies used by the instructors of  two courses I had completed last semester. The first course (A) refers to research methods in E- education, and the second is Innovation and change management. TO begin, the instructor of the course A started the lecture by revision the prior session and connected it with the new content of the current lecture. He, also, asked about the learners and their health, academic status, and the challenges they face. The instructor of the course B had a strong relationship with the learners, so she talked for a long time with their concern, experiment, and if they had any question related to the content of pervious lecture. In general, both instructors aimed by this strategy to be familiar with the learners and motivate them to be engaged in the course session. Both instructors did not use ice breaker activities or a story. This required the instructor also to create a compelling introduction to make the hooked from the start of the session. The instructor of the course A presented the outline of the session and the outcomes. In contrast the instructor in course B, often, ignore this point and stared the lecture directly. I think an instructor should present the objectives of the session and let the learners to discuss what they want to know about the topic and how it relevant to their real world.
Regarding integrating the technology in lectures, the two instructors usually used the smart learning tools of the blackboard, but there are some differences between them in integrating the tools, and this point will be discussed in the next line. As such integrating technology is an important factor in instructional design and there are numerous tools that can designer use to facilitate the learning and make it useful. Both instructors used a PowerPoint presentation in each session. The design for both is appropriate for the learners. But the content on each slide is crowded (full)  in the course B. This fullness of information in the slides  makes the learners confuse about which he needs to know, should, and nice to know. In addition, it is useful if the instructors applied the K-W-L strategy. In some case, the instructor of the course B transferred the content from other resources to the session slides without any change.
 Both instructors used the tools that help learners in their learning, such as YouTube, resources, and other media (photo, maps). Needless to say, that each teacher and instructor have its own style. So, the instructors are different at this point. On the other hand, each instructor used several strategies in the lectures. For instance, Instructor of course A presented the content on PPT and explained the main topics, terms, and point. Then he asked about some parts and discuss in details with clear examples. The same is instructor B, but she read the content and then asked each learner to explain and support  an idea from real experience in their field. This strategy is suitable with the view numbers of learners and little content, not with high numbers of learners. In general, both instructors focus on discussion with the learners. At many times the aims is to connect the experience of the learners with the content of the course to transfer the theory into the real world. Important to say, that the instructor of the course (B) focused on critical thinking of the learners’ answer such as analyzing the part of content and connecting it with the authentic situation.  Again with the content, in the course A the content is designed sequentially. But, in the course B it was presented without clear fashion. Maybe this is related to the nature of the course content itself. However, it is beneficial for the learners to receive the content in an appropriate way.
            To improve the teaching and learning processes, I will suggest diverse methods  regarding the two instructors that maybe make the  innovative change and allow learners to gain a fruitful experiment.
- The instructors should pay attention to grab the learners’ concern at the beginning of the lecture. This is motivating them to know why they learn this topic.
- The instructors should use the different models and theories of learning to help learners in their journey.for examples, adult learning principles, Keller’s ARCS model of motivation, and the zone of proximal development (ZPD)  concept which was created by Vygotsky.
- The content should be reorganized according to the analysis of the learner characteristics, also to take into account the divers of learning style.

           To sum up, this table shows the difference between the two courses by applying Gagne’s nine events of  instruction:

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